Product Catalouge

Monoammonium Phosphate

Monoammonium phosphate is a 100% water-soluble crystalline fertilizer containing nitrogen in ammonium form and phosphorus. It is used for the preparation of water-soluble NPK fertilizers for protected and open fields, such as greenhouses, hydroponic, and irrigation systems, as a feedstock for preparation of liquid complex fertilizers. Nitrogen is essential for the growth and development of plant biomass, and takes part in the photosynthesis process, and phosphorus is required for the development of the root system of the plants. MAPs also have other uses, like additives to animal feed or industrial uses. Monoammonium phosphate is the perfect flame retardant, because the physical and chemical properties of MAP prevent ignition and burning. Due to the complete absence of insoluble impurities and the full dissolution of monoammonium phosphate, it is ensured the absorption into impregnated materials, such as fabrics, plywood or wood, is improved. Do not mix with fertilizers containing calcium and magnesium. The allowed tolerance of the nutrient content is set in accordance with the domestic regulation of the country of import.

The product is packed in 25 kg and 50 lbs laminated polypropylene bags with polyethylene liner, and come in larger sizes as well, with 1000, 1200 and 1250 kg big bags. They should be stored in covered storage facilities that exclude penetration of precipitation and groundwater. Warranty period is 1 year from the date of manufacture under the recommended conditions for transportation and storage, and have unlimited shelf-life.

Diammonium Phosphate

Diammonium phosphate is a 100% water-soluble crystalline fertilizer containing nitrogen in ammonium form and phosphorus. It is used for the production of water-soluble NPK fertilizers for protected and open fields, such as greenhouses, hydroponics, and sprinkling systems, and for the preparation of liquid complex fertilizers. Nitrogen is essential for the growth and development of plant biomass, and takes part in the photosynthesis process, while phosphorus is required for the development of the root system of the plants. DAP can be used as a feed additive for animals, and has its industrial uses as well. Diammonium phosphate is an ideal flame retardant, as it has its physicochemical properties inhibit ignition and combustion. Due to complete absence of insoluble impurities and the full dissolution of diammonium phosphate, it is ensured the absorption in the impregnated materials, such as fabrics, plywood or wood, is improved.

The product is packed in 25 kg and 50 lbs laminated polypropylene bags with polyethylene liner, and come in larger sizes as well, with 1000, 1200 and 1250 kg big bags. They should be stored in covered storage facilities that exclude penetration of precipitation and groundwater. Warranty period is 1 year from the date of manufacture under the recommended conditions for transportation and storage, and have unlimited shelf-life.

Monopotassium Phosphate

Monopotassium phosphate is the most highly concentrated in phosphorus soluble PK fertilizer. It is used both in protected and open fields for any phenological stages of plant development, also for foliar application. Monopotassium phosphate is 100% soluble in water, and is quickly absorbed by plants, which allows for root application through irrigation systems. It is especially recommended to use in hydroponics, as it does not contain chlorine and any insolubles. Do not mix with calcium and magnesium containing products.

The product is packed in 25 kg and 50 lbs laminated polypropylene bags with polyethylene liner, and come in larger sizes as well, with 1000, 1200 and 1250 kg big bags. They should be stored in covered storage facilities that exclude penetration of precipitation and groundwater. Warranty period is 1 year from the date of manufacture under the recommended conditions for transportation and storage, and have unlimited shelf-life.